Saturday, January 27, 2007


On MLK Day weekend, we hit the train and headed for Paris! All of us were very excited - it was a lot of work to plan the trip but we were all looking forward to seeing the sights, and hopefully having some not-too-cold weather to enjoy them. We had our own little 'cabin' on the train; it was nice to have room for the boys to stretch out, play with their toys, etc. We left early (0600) and just after lunch, we arrived in the City of Light! Once we found the hotel, we checked out the room, complete with view, and then headed out to check out two things we all wanted to try - pan du chocolat, and the Eiffel Tower! We walked from our hotel to a nearby Supermarche, where we picked up these famous pastries - like a square, sweet croissant filled with bits of chocolate! YUM. We walked over to the park, and after a snack (and a view of a very strange woman with a VERY BIG HAT) we got in line to go up to the top.


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