Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Disneyland Paris, part quatre

The second morning of our stay dawned clear and sunny. We had reservations for breakfast in Fantasyland, which turned out to be very cool! The food was the same as at our hotel (croissants, brotchen, with jam, butter and Nutella; cereal (including chocolate corn flakes! yum); fruit; yogurt; juice; cappuccino, coffee or tea.) The neatest thing was that you get to enter the park one hour before they open - it is like you own the place, very cool! Wish I had taken more photos - it was so neat to see the place so still and empty. Since we were right in the heart of the park, we got onto the rides there, like Dumbo, on their first ride of the day! It was a lot of fun, and the weather was much warmer without the wind.


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