Monday, November 17, 2008

O'fest images

There is so much to see and experience in the beer tent. Funny hats are the norm; mine was downright tame compared to many. Check out the guy standing on the table behind Jim - those guys were from Holland and they'd never been to Ofest before. I am not sure he even knew what the point of standing on the table was; he just saw a bunch of other drunks doing it so decided to join in. Crazy.

Our friends Buck and Kathy Buchanan and their kids joined all of us for this trip; here are some pics of them as well. The guys had a great time together, as did the kids! There is a shot of all of them with our waitress - she looks like she is about to punch one of them out! ha ha.

Munchen Oktoberfest 2008

Here we are, at the world-famous Ofest. We hit the train early from Oberau, and managed to score a table for 13 without a reservation, in the largest and most popular beer tent, the Hofbrau tent. This is the one that if you pass out during an evening session, they just drag you out the back onto a hillside so that someone else can have your seat!
Here is our gang of 13, safely seated in our corner. Notice the decorations? That greenery looking stuff is actually hops, that are used in making beer!! The pretzels really are as big as your head (as tested on Michael's!) and the food is huge but amazing. We were all stunned at how they keep up with the demand and still make it all taste good. In typical fashion, after a bit, Michael got bored and, you guessed it, fell asleep! I guess we are going to make a photo album of him sleeping his way across the great sights of Europe....

Kreuzech lunch

Here are some other pics from lunch up top. It was a beautiful day; the gentleman who waited on us at the restaurant was so nice! He even gave Oma and Opa pins for their German hats! The boys enjoyed feeding these sheep, too.