Saturday, January 27, 2007

Arc de Triomphe and Au Revoir, Paris

As our last tourist gig in Paris, we climbed to the top of the Arch. It was fun, but tiring - could a sistah get an elevator?! We had an early dinner at Planet Hollywood, right on the Champs.

We bought each of the boys a hoodie with the Eiffel Tower on it, and on our last morning I took their pic with the tower. We were off to the train station, and our long ride back to Germany.

Champs Elysses

After the gardens, we took a walk through the Place de la Concorde, then up the entire length of the Champs Elysses. It was fun, and the weather cooperative so we enjoyed it. I'm not sure if Justin and Michael understood all the fuss about another shopping street.

Musee D'Orsay and the Tuileries

We spent the next morning checking out Impressionist art, and then took a walk in the Tuileries Gardens, across the Seine River. The weather was very cooperative; not exactly warm but sunny and blue skies. The kids really liked the park, and walking along the river.

Napoleon's Tomb

On the following morning, we chose to visit Les Invalides, the location of Napoleon's tomb. Napoleon built the Invalides as a home for injured soldiers, which it still is today. He was originally buried on the island of Elba, but his body was brought to Paris, placed in a series of coffins, and he has lain beneath the golden dome ever since. This was really close to our hotel; we walked over after breakfast and were some of the first to enter. It was cool; the place is immense.

There are also some pics of the neighborhood around our hotel; in the seventh arondissement, it is the location of many embassies and consulates.

The Louvre

We spent the afternoon checking out one of the world's premiere art museums. Yep, you guessed it - Michael fell asleep! The kid is building himself a stellar sleeping resume - he's slept through some of the greatest art and science museums in Europe! In most of the Louvre, you aren't allowed to take pics, but I did manage to snap a shot of M sleeping, and of Justin. Justin also took a great pic of the Venus de Milo. And of course, we had to go out of the museum via the infamous IM Pei pyramid - very very cool, even if the Parisians hate it.

ND, part trois

Here are some other pics of Notre Dame, as the boys enjoyed playing at a small playground right next to the cathedral.

After the tour, and the climb, we were all getting hungry. We made a pit stop in a park behind the cathedral and had a picnic with our 'croque monsier' sandwiches. These are like a grilled ham and cheese sandwich (only with some really high-dollar cheeses!) They got a big thumbs up from all.

Gargoyles on the top

The top of Notre Dame was so interesting - the gargoyles are only visible from up there, and are all different. They are bizarre, but interesting. Justin really liked looking at all of them. While we were atop the towers, the huge bell in one tower rang. Quite an experience - to say you've not only heard the bells ring at Notre Dame, but that you were atop the tower when they did! We looked around a bit, rested, then headed back down the 400+ circular stone steps.

Notre Dame

After our petit dejeuner, we headed out via the Metro for Notre Dame. The cathedral is immense, and so ornate, both outside and inside. We took a look at the outer artwork, then headed inside. Justin helped me light a candle in the chapel of St Jean D'Arc, who is known as the patron saint of Armor and Cavalry wives, and we all marveled at the intricate rose windows. Then, we began the trek upward, to the top of the towers.

Paris Night One

The evening brought some cool things, too - we enjoyed taking photos with the Tower, and of course watching it 'sparkle' from our hotel balcony! We headed out afterwards for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.

Parisien hotels are normally built into buildings that are very old, and so usually don't have elevators. Fortunately, our hotel had one, which had been added. There isn't much space for that, so the elevators are very small. This one ranked right up there with the smallest ones I'd ever seen!

We had a traditional French breakfast in our hotel the following morning - Justin and Michael had no trouble laying waste to the croissant and baguette with butter and jam.

ET, part deux

On the second level, you can see the buildings much better. It was just beginning to get dark, so we had the perfect time! Now, if it had just been a bit warmer, or less windy.....
We came back to the ground, and enjoyed watching the tower light up against the night sky, then walked back to our hotel. Michael managed to fall down in the mud (typical) but it was too dark for a pic!

The Eiffel Tower

We waited in line for quite a while - well, the rest of us waited. Michael fell asleep! Once we bought the tickets, we went inside and got into the nifty double-decker elevator and up to the second level. From there, it's a glass elevator to the top! The top deck is enclosed (nice on what had turned into a very cold and windy day.) After taking some photos, and getting the feel for the design of the city, we went back down to the second level to watch the lights come on in the City of Light. Beautiful.